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BACK TO CONTENTS Glossary of Latin Words Found in Records and Other English Manuscripts, But Not Occurring in Classical Authors. A B C D E F G H I J K L. Sentence Variety. Definition of a Sentence. Before elaborating too much on the nature of sentences or trying to define a sentences parts, it might be wise to define a sentence itself. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and predicate. Sometimes, the subject is understood, as in a command You go next door and get a cup of sugar. That probably means that the shortest possible complete sentence is something like Go A sentence ought to express a thought that can stand by itself, but it would be helpful to review the section on Sentence Fragments for additional information on thoughts that cannot stand by themselves and sentences known as stylistic fragments. The various Types of Sentences, structurally, are defined, with examples, under the section on sentence variety. Sentences are also defined according to function declarative most of the sentences we use, interrogative which ask a question Whats your name, exclamatory Theres a fire in the kitchen, and imperative Dont drink thatIn Shakespeares Henry IV, Part 1 IIiv, we see that great stuffed cloak bag of guts, Falstaff, in debate with his good friend Prince Hal, the future King of England. After a night of debauchery together, he is imploring his young friend not to forget him when Hal becomes King. The banter goes on, but the best part of it is Falstaffs last few sentences on the matter talking about himself here his favorite subject. But to say I know more harm in him than in myself,were to say more than I know. Biography. Carl Rogers was born January 8, 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, the fourth of six children. His father was a successful. American Indian tribes gave names to each of the full moons to keep track of the passing year. This site contains comic book images linked to the chemical elements via the periodic table. Comics include Uncle crooge, Metal Men, Metamorpho, Batman, Fantastic. Chemistry professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri shares the fun of science through home science activities, demonstration shows, videos and books. Jfbh6mBjKB6hOvB547krXDLt1o9Gxo7b1-9hTOUQLKBny2npPYGHxQjfl_qMCnKmhWSTPnMhIn84I-WW.png' alt='Crack Edu' title='Crack Edu' />That he is old, themore the pity, his white hairs do witness it butthat he is, saving your reverence, a whoremaster,that I utterly deny. If sack and sugar be a fault,God help the wicked I know is damned ifto be fat be to be hated, then Pharaohs lean kineare to be loved. No, my good lord banish Peto,banish Bardolph, banish Poins but for sweet Jack. Falstaff, kind Jack Falstaff, true Jack Falstaff,valiant Jack Falstaff, and therefore more valiant,being, as he is, old Jack Falstaff, banish not himthy Harrys company, banish not him thy Harryscompany banish plump Jack, and banish all the world. The speech is quite a ramble, filled with Falstaffs lively good spirits. How can the Prince follow thisHe does, with two little sentences. Golf Club Driver Distance Comparison. And there you have it. Crack Edu' title='Crack Edu' />The prince knows he must someday, soon, renounce his life with Falstaff and turn to the responsibilities of ruling England. All the kinetic energy of Falstaff, manifested in the turns of phrase and rhythm in this speech, has been dammed up, thwarted and turned back by those two little sentences, four little words. Thats what variety of sentence length can do. Great expansiveness followed up by the bullwhip crack of a one liner. Its not that one kind of sentence is better than the other although the taste of the twentieth century reader generally favors the terse, the economical. Its just that there are two different kinds of energies here, both potent. Use them both, and your prose will be energized. The trouble is that many writers, unsure of themselves, are leery of long sentences because they fear the run on, that troll under the bridge, forgetting that it is often better to risk imperfection than boredom. What we need, then, is practice in handling long sentences. It is relatively easy to feel confident in writing shorter sentences, but if our prose is made up entirely of shorter structures, it begins to feel like See Dick run. See Jane jump. See Jane jump on Puff. Primer style pronounced primmer in the U. S. A., its called, and it would drive a reader crazy after a while. Download-Prezi-Desktop-Pro-Cracked-FULL-Prezi-Desktop-Pro-CrackSerialKey-+-Activation-Free-2.png' alt='Crack Edu' title='Crack Edu' />Run ons and Length. First, review the section of the Guide that defines Run on Sentences. Remember that a really long sentence and a run on sentence are not the same thing. Joseph Williamss fine book Style Toward Clarity and Grace Univ. Chicago 1. 99. 0, enlists this monster of a sentence from Thomas Hooker, father of American democracy and founder of Hartford, Connecticut Now if nature should intermit her course and leave altogether, though it were but for awhile, the observation of her own laws if those principal and mother elements of the world, whereof all things in this lower world are made, should lose the qalities which now they have if the frame of that heavenly arch erected over our heads should loosen and dissolve itself if celestial spheres should forget their wonted motions, and by irregular volubility turn themselves any way as it might happen if the prince of the lights of heaven which now as a giant doth run his unwearied course, should, as it were through a languishing faintness, begin to stand and to rest himself if the moon should wander from her beaten way, the times and seasons of the year blend themselves by disordered and confused mixture, the winds breathe out their last gasp, the clouds yield no rain, the earth be defeated of heavenly influence, the fruits of the earth pine away as children at the withered breasts of their mother no longer able to yield them relief what would become of man himself, whom these things now do all servefrom Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. The modern reader might rebel at the complexity of those clauses piled one upon the other, and it does seem rather ponderous at first. In fact, if you were to write such a sentence in academic prose, your instructor would probably call you in for a conference. But if, as reader, you let yourself go a bit, theres a well earned delight in finding yourself at the end of such a sentence, having successfully navigated its shoals. And, as writer avoiding such extremes, theres much to be learned by devising such monsters and then cutting them back to reasonable size. Here are some hints about using long sentences to your advantage. The ideas here are based loosely on those in Williams book, which we highly recommend, but with our own examples. Coordination. Allow the complexity of a longer sentence to develop after the verb, not before it. Click HERE to read a 2. Make the connection between subject and verb quick and vigorous and then allow the sentence to do some extra work, to cut a fancy figure or two. In the completer predicate, however, be careful to develop the complex structures in parallel form. Click HERE to visit our section on parallel form, most of which is taken from William Strunks Elements of Style. Be sure to go through our slide show on the Gettysburg Address and closely examine the uses of parallelism in that classic speech. Repeated Terms. One of the scariest techniques for handling long sentences is the repetition of a key term. It feels risky because it goes against the grain of what youve been taught about repetition. When properly handled, though, repetition of key words and phrases within a sentence and then within a paragraph not only holds things together but creates a rhythm that provides energy and drives the meaning home. The Swiss watchmakers failure to capitalize on the invention of the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming astonishing in that the Swiss had, since the beginnings of the industrial revolution in Europe, been among the first to capitalize on technical innovations, alarming in that a tremendous industrial potential had been lost to their chief competitors, the watchmakers of Japan. In the following sentences, from a speech by John F. Carl Rogers. CARL ROGERS1. Dr. C. George Boeree. In French translated by Kate Bondareva. In Macedonian translated by Katerina Nestiv Biography. Carl Rogers was born January 8, 1. Oak Park, Illinois, a. Chicago, the fourth of six children. His father was a. Christian. His education started in the second grade, because he could. When Carl was 1. 2, his family moved to a farm about 3. Chicago, and it was here that he was to spend his. Carl was to become rather. He went on to the University of Wisconsin as an agriculture. Later, he switched to religion to study. During this time, he was selected as one. Beijing for the World Student Christian. Federation. Conference. He tells us that his new experiences so. After graduation, he married Helen Elliot against his parents. New York City, and began attending the Union. Zwei Ii Plus English Patch. Theological. Seminary, a famous liberal religious institution. While. Why am I entering the. I might as well tell you that, unless you want to change your. He tells us that most of the. Religions loss was, of course, psychologys gain Rogers. Columbia University, and. Ph. D. in 1. 93. 1. He had already begun his clinical work at. Rochester Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Otto Ranks theory and therapy. He was offered a full professorship at Ohio State in 1. Counseling and Psychotherapy. University. of Chicago. It was while working there that in 1. Client Centered Therapy, wherein he outlines his. In 1. 95. 7, he returned to teach at his alma mater, the University. Wisconsisn. Unfortunately, it was a time of conflict within their psychology. Rogers became very disillusioned with higher education. La Jolla. California. He provided therapy, gave speeches, and wrote, until his death in. Theory. Rogers theory is a clinical one, based on years of experience. He has this in common with Freud, for. Also in common with Freud is that his is a particularly rich and. Not in common with Freud, however, is the fact that Rogers sees. In other words, he sees mental health as the normal progression of. Also not in common with Freud is. Rogers theory is a relatively simple one. Also not in common with Freud is that Rogers theory is. The entire theory is built on a. It can. as the built in motivation present in every life form to develop. Were not just talking about. Rogers believes that all creatures strive to make the very best of. If they fail to do so, it is not for a lack of. Rogers captures with this single great need or motive all the. He asks us, why do. Why do we seek safety, love, and a. Why, indeed, do we seek to discover new. Because, he. answers, it is in our nature as living things to do the very best. Keep in mind that, unlike Maslows use of the term, Rogers. Some of his earliest examples, in. Think about it Doesnt. He also applied the idea to ecosystems, saying that an ecosystem. If. were to become extinct in a forest, there are likely to be other. On the other hand, one bout. The. for us as individuals If we live as we should, we will. People, however, in the course of actualizing their potentials. In and of itself, thats not a. We are a social creature, it is our nature. But when we. Rather than remaining close. And even if, in the long run, a culture that interferes with our. Dont misunderstand Culture and society are not. Its more along the lines of the birds of paradise. Papua New Guinea. The colorful and dramatic plumage of the. At that point, being colorful doesnt do the male or the. In the same way, our elaborate societies, complex. Details. Rogers tells us that organisms know what is good for them. Evolution. has provided us with the senses, the tastes, the discriminations. When we hunger, we find food not just any food, but food that. Food that tastes bad is likely to be spoiled, rotten. That what good and bad tastes are our evolutionary lessons made. This is called organismic valuing. Among the many things that we instinctively value is positive. Rogers umbrella term for things like love, affection, attention. It is clear that babies need love and attention. They certainly fail. Another thing perhaps peculiarly human that we value is positive. We achieve this positive self regard by experiencing the positive. Without this. self regard. Like Maslow, Rogers believes that, if left to their own devices. Babies, too, seem to want and like. Somewhere along the line, however, we have. In this new environment are such things. These things have flavors that appeal to our. Over. of years, we may evolve to find brocolli more satisfying than. Our society also leads us astray with conditions of worth. We get a drink when we finish our class, we get. Getting positive regard on on condition Rogers calls conditional. Because we do indeed need positive regard. Over time, this conditioning leads us to have conditional. We begin to like ourselves only. And since these standards. Incongruity. The aspect of your being that is founded in the actualizing. Rogers calls the real self. It is the you that, if. On the other hand, to the extent that our society is out of synch. By ideal, Rogers is suggesting something not real, something that. This gap between the real self and the ideal self, the I am and. I should is called incongruity. The greater the. The more incongruity, the more. In fact, incongruity is essentially what Rogers means by neurosis. If this all sounds. Karen Horney Defenses. When you are in a situation where there is an incongruity between. For example, if you have been taught to feel unworthy if you do. As on all your tests, and yet you arent really all that great a. When you are expecting a threatening situation, you will feel. Anxiety is a signal indicating that there is trouble ahead, that. One way to avoid the situation, of. Since that is not. Rogers idea of defenses is very similar to Freuds, except that. Fortunately for. has only two defenses denial and perceptual distortion. Denial means very much what it does in Freuds. You block out the threatening situation altogether. An. Rogers does also include what Freud called repression If. Perceptual distortion is a matter of reinterpreting the. It is very similar to. A student that is threatened by tests and. The fact that sometimes. If it could be true, then maybe. It can also be much more obviously perceptual. Unfortunately for the poor neurotic and, in fact, most of us. They become ever more incongruous, and. It becomes a. cycle that the person eventually is unable to get out of, at least. Rogers also has a partial explanation for psychosis. His. likewise has little consistency to it. We see him as having. His words may make. His emotions may be inappropriate. He may lose. The fully functioning person. Rogers, like Maslow, is just as interested in describing the. His term is fully functioning, and involves. Openness to experience. This is the. It is the accurate perception of ones. It also means being. Feelings. an important part of openness because they convey organismic. If you cannot be open to your feelings, you cannot be open to. The hard part, of course, is distinguishing real feelings from the. Existential living. This is living in the. Rogers, as a part of getting in touch with reality, insists that. The present is the only reality we. Mind you, that doesnt mean we shouldnt remember and learn from. Neither does it mean we shouldnt plan or even day dream about the. Just recognize these things for what they are memories and. Organismic trusting. We should allow. We should. This, as Im sure.