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The SYSTRAN Translator and Dictionary sidebar gadget was designed based on the new features of the. Whit this application you will have your words, your language, anywhere. Ace Translator . Masahif, Bardiyyat, Makhtutat Turkiyya, Makhtutat Farisiyya, Musawwarat. Oscar Lfgren and Renato Traini, Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts. Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Vol. III. Nuovo Fondo Series E Nos. With sixteen. colour plates. Vicenza Neri Pozza Editore 1. Golden Wafi Translator' title='Golden Wafi Translator' />Fontes Ambrosiani, Nuova Serie II. Nos. 8. 31 8. 92 E1 E6. Nos. 8. 92 9. 88 E6. E1. 58. pp. 7. 4 1. Nos. 9. 88 1. 10. E1. 58 E2. 70. pp. Nos. 1. 10. 1 1. E2. E3. 74. pp. Nos. 1. E3. 74 E4. 65. pp. Habib Allah Azimi, Fihrist i Nusakh i Khatti yi Kitabkhana yi Milli yi Gumhuri yi. Islami yi Iran. Gild i Dawazdahum, Kutub i Arabi, as shumara yi 2. Tehran Kitabkhana yi Milli yi Gumhuri yi. Islami yi Iran 1. Habib Allah Azimi, A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the National. Library of Iran. vol. Arabic manuscripts, Nos. Tehran n. d. Catalogue Tehran 1. National Library, Arabic Manuscripts, vol. Text in Persian. pp. Asma Ahmat, Katalog Manuskrip Melayu di Jerman Barat. Catalogue of Malay Manuscripts in West Germany. Kuala Lumpur Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia 1. Adam Gacek, Arabic Manuscripts in the Libraries of Mc. Gill University. Union Catalogue. Montreal Mc. Gill University Libraries 1. Paul B. Fenton, A Handlist of Judeo Arabic manuscripts in Leningrad. A tentative. Handlist of Judeo Arabic Manuscripts in the Firkovic Collections. Based on the card catalogues of. State Public Library prepared and updated by A. A. Harkavy, F. Kokovtsov, R. Ravrebe. A. Vasilev, V. Lebedev. Jerusalem Ben Zvi Institute 1. Catalogue St. Petersburg 1. Text in Hebrew, introduction in English. Sleymaniye Ktphanesi Nuri Arlasez Koleksiyonu Yazmalar Indeks Katalogu. Istanbul Bedir Yayinevi 1. Catalogue of the Nuri Arlasez collection of manuscripts in the Sleymaniye Library, Istanbul. Gregor Schoeler, Arabische Handschriften. Teil II. Unter Mitarbeit von H. C. Graf von Bothmer. T. Duncker Gken und H. Jenni. Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag 1. Catalogue Germany 1. Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Band XVII, Reihe B 2. Muhammad Asif Fikrat, Fihrist i Alfabai yi Kutub i Khatti yi Kitabkhana yi. Markazi yi Astana yi Quds i Razawi. Muhammadf Wafadar Muradi, Istidrak wa Paywast. Meshed Kitabkhana yi Markazi yi Astana yi Quds i Razawi 1. An Alphabetical Hand list. Manuscripts in the Astan Quds Razavi Central Library. Catalogue Meshed 1. PaywastSupplement. IstidrakCorrections. English introduction. Angelo Michele Piemontese, Catalogo dei manoscritti Persiani conservati nelle biblioteche dItalia. Roma Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato. Libreria dello Stato 1. Catalogue Italy 1. Prefaces and prelims. II. Firenze, 1. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. II. Firenze, 2. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, 3. Archivio di Stato, 4. Biblioteca Riccardiana, 5. Biblioteca del Seminario Arcivescovile. Biblioteca dell Accademia Toscana La Colombaria. The rest of the catalogue, on pp. Bibliothque Nationale. Dpartement des Manuscrits. Francis Richard, Catalogue des Manuscrits persans. I. Ancien Fonds. Paris Bibliothque. Nationale 1. 98. Nos. Nos. 4. 4 1. 02. Nos. Nos. 1. 46 1. 89. Nos. 1. 89 2. 38. Nos. 2. 38 2. 75. Nos. 2. 75 3. 21. Nos. 3. 21 3. 71. Nos. 3. 71 3. 88, index. G. I. Kostygova A. N. Boldyrev ed., Persidskie i tadzhikskie rukopisi Gosudarstzennoi Publichnoi. Biblioteki imeni M. E. Saltykova Shchedrina alfazitnyi katalog. Leningrad Gos. Publichnaya Blioteka. N. E. Saltykova Shchedrina. Bibliothque Nationale. Dpartement des Manuscrits. Catalogue des Manuscrits. Arabes. Index Nos. Yvette Sauvan, Marie Genevive Balty Guesdon, Tal. Download Play Dead First Flower Rar on this page. Tamari. Paris Bibliothque Nationale 1. A. A. Semenov, no author mentioned, in fact, Sobranie vostocnych rukopisej Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR. Tom. XI. Tashkent Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR 1. Muhammad Haggi, Fihris al Khizana al Ilmiyya al Subayhiyya bi Sala. Catalog of Subaiheyya Library in Sala. Kuwayt Mahad al Makhtutat al Arabiyya 1. Catalogue Sal, Morocco, 1. Text in Arabic. Theodore G. Th. Pigeaud P. Voorhoeve, Handschriften aus Indonesien. Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden Gmb. H 1. 98. 5. Yusuf Q. Khuri, al Makhtutat al Arabiyya al Mawguda fi Maktabat al Gamia. Amirkiyya fi Bayrut. Beirut AUB 1. 98. Hj. Wan Ali Hj. Wan Mamat, Katalog manuskrip Melayu di Belanda. Kuala Lumpur. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia 1. Catalogue of Malay Manuscripts in The Netherlands, 1. Adam Gacek, Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the Institute of Ismaili. Studies. Volume One. London Islamic Publications 1. Muhammad Isa Salihiyya, al Makhtutat al Yamaniyya fi Maktabat Ali Amiri Millat bi Istanbul. Sana Dar al Hadatha 1. Catalogue of Yemeni manuscripts in the Ali Amiri Millat Library in Istanbul. Noureddine Ghali, Sidi Mohamed Mahibou et Louis Brenner, Inventaire de. Bibliothque Umarienne de Sgou. Paris CNRS 1. 98. Nos. 5. 14. 7 5. Nos. Nos. 5. 55. 6 5. Nos. Nos. 5. 66. 0 5. Nos. Nos. 6. 11. 2 6. Bibliothque Nationale. Dpartement des Manuscrits. Catalogue des Manuscrits. Arabes. Deuxime partie. Manuscrits Musulmans, tome IV, Index des tomes II et III, Nos. Yvette Sauvan. Paris Bibliothque Nationale 1. Catalogue Paris, Bn. F, 1. 98. 5, p. 1. I. Index des noms dauteur et traducteurs en transcription. II. Index des noms dauteur et traducteurs caractres arabes p. III. Index des titres en transcription p. IV. Index des titres caractres arabes. V. Index des incipit p. VI. Index syst eacutematique p. VII. Index des noms de. VIII. Index des noms de lieux p. IX. Index. des manuscrits dats p. Index des cachets p. XI. Index des ddicaces p. XII. Manuscrits peintures p. Fragments en langues diverses. Bibliothque Nationale. Dpartement des Manuscrits. Catalogue des Manuscrits. Arabes. Deuxime partie. Manuscrits Musulmans, tome III, Nos. Georges Vajda et Yvette Sauvan. Paris Bibliothque. Nationale 1. 98. Nos. Nos. 1. 18. 8 1. Nos. Nos. 1. 35. 6 1. Nos. Bibliothque Nationale. Dpartement des Manuscrits. Catalogue des Manuscrits. Arabes. Deuxime partie. Manuscrits Musulmans, tome I, 2. Franois Droche, Les manuscrits du Coran. Du Maghreb. lInsulinde. Paris Bibliothque Nationale 1. Farid Sami Haddad, with Hans Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Fihris al Makhtutat. Tibbiyya al Arabiyya fi Maktabat al Duktur Sami Ibrahim Haddad. Halab Mahad al Turath. Ilmi al Arabi Aleppo University Press 1. Muhammad al Arabi al Khattabi, Faharis al Khizana al Hasaniyya. Mugallad al Thalith. Al Fihris al Wasfi li Makhtutat al Riyadiyyat wal Falak wa Ahkam al Nugum wal Gughrafiya. Ribat 1. 40. 31. Catalogue Rabat 1. Mathematics, Astronomy, Astrology, Geography. Muhammad al Mannuni, Faharis Makhtutat al Khizana al Hasaniyya hasba Arqamiha. Rufuf. Rabat al Matbaa al Malikiyya 1. Shaukat Ali Khan, Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts. Quranic Sciences. Science of Tradition. Tonk Arabic and Persian Research Institute, Rajasthan Tonk 2. Catalogue Tonk, 1. Bibliothque Nationale. Dpartement des Manuscrits. Catalogue des Manuscrits. Arabes. Deuxime partie. Manuscrits Musulmans, tome I, 1. Franois Droche, Les manuscrits du Coran. Aux origines de la. Paris Bibliothque Nationale 1. Fihrist al Makhtutat al Musawwarat.