Helpdesk Software Gpl
A complete list of open source help desk software packages. Aa. Def. Help. DeskOnline DemoA free open source ASP. NET help desk which also includes a Dot. Net. Nuke module. Asset Tracker. Create multiple asset databases containing any information you wish to keep track of. Some examples put all your IT infrastructure into the database, or if you are a building manager, put all your facilities equipment in the database. Can also integrate with other systems via plugins. Enter-MySQL-Information-5.png' alt='Helpdesk Software Gpl' title='Helpdesk Software Gpl' />Associativy. A base platform for building associative knowledge bases. Not a complete product, but a foundation to build your own. Helpdesk Software Gpl' title='Helpdesk Software Gpl' />Astres. A free PHP based help desk tool, translations in English and French. BBartley Helpdeska light weight helpdesk for small to medium size IT departments, includes inventory management. BATTSOpen source help desk software, designed for use from a LinuxUnix command line. Includes a full featured email interface for customers. Big Help. A help desk portal built with Ruby on Rails. Bug. Tracker. NETOnline DemoBug. Tracker. NET is an open source, web based bug or issue tracker written using ASP. NET, C, and Microsoft SQL ServerMSDE. Includes a screen capture utility that allows you to capture a screenshot, annotate it, and post it, with just a few clicks. BugzillaOnline DemoA Perl based software bug tracking system which can also be used for help desk support. Used by the Mozilla Foundation, creators of Fire. Download. UltraVNC is a Free remote control software to access distant computers UltraVNC can be used as helpdesk remote control software. With it, you can access. OSS Watch provides unbiased advice and guidance on the use, development, and licensing of free software, open source software, and open source hardware. Fox. DDITrack. Software bug and ticket system designed to use Subversion as its backend database. Currently there is only a command line interface. Double Choco LatteOnline DemoA GNU Enterprise package that handles both call tracking and project management. It can be displayed inside of a php. Group. Ware installation or be used stand alone. EElastikOnline Demofree PHP based help desk ticket software with fully definable schema for fieldsworkflow. Eventum. An open source help desk software package from the creators of the My. SQL database. PHP based and of course uses My. VNC remote access software, support server and viewer software for on demand remote computer support. Remote desktop support software for remote PC control. Free. SQL for its database. GGoogle Apps Help Desk Workflow. A simple script for giving your Google Apps account a help desk workflow. HHelp Desk Lite. Very simple help desk software package for basic issue tracking. It provides two major functions, service ticket tracking and operator assignment. Helpy. A modern Rails based, mobile first, ticket system with email support. IInformation Resource Manager. IRM is a free PHP based help desk and asset tracker designed for IT departments. Information Resource Manager GLPI Edition. This is the same system as above IRM, but with some additional enhancements. Issue. Tracker. Product. Zope issue tracker which also handles software bugs. The primary focus is on email communication and request tracking and management. Top. A PHP based, ITIL compatible service desk solution. Java based open source help desk application with an emphasis on modularity. Its also provides i. Jj. Helpdesk. A JavaJSP based open source corporate help desk system. JTrac. A Java based open source issue tracking system. Jutda Helpdesk. A Django powered ticket tracking system for small enterprise. LLiberum Help Desk. Web based help desk software package written in ASP and VBScript. Microsoft SQL Server or Access is required. Automatic case routing, email updates, and reporting. MMantisOnline DemoA PHP software bug tracking and issue tracking system. Mr. Wolfe. An issue tracker written in Django. OOne or ZeroOnline DemoOpen source help desk software package optimized for task oriented help desks. Open. Psa. A full project system where the help desk component is just one aspect. Automatically integrates with Midgard CMS. Open. Supports. A free PHP support ticket system with multi language support and a plugin API. OS Ticket. OS Ticket is a lightweight ticking system designed to be easy to setup and use. Its written mostly in PHP. OTRSA trouble ticket system to track telephone calls and e mails. Designed to allow your support, sales, pre sales, billing, internal IT, and helpdesk to operate in one system. OTRS is open sourced under the A GPL and is written in Perl. Pphp. Bug. Tracker. A web based software bug tracker. The design focuses on separating the presentation, application, and database layers making customization easier. RRedmine. Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross platform and cross database. Request Tracker. RT is an open source ticket tracking tool. It has a web based help desk portal as well as support for creating tickets via email. Roundup. A simple issue tracking system with command line, web and email interfaces. Also includes many other modules such as todo lists and sales lead tracking. SSavane. Savane is a Web based Libre Software hosting system. It includes issue tracking, project member management by roles and individual account maintenance. The issue tracking handles bugs, tasks, support, news and documentation management. Simple. Desk. A help desk plugin for the Simple Machines Forum system. Sinergia. Sinergia is a open source framework for creating customized help desk applications written in C. NET 3. 0. It provides a base. Si. T Support Incident Tracker. SLA aware support incident tracking system, PHPMy. SQL. Slick Ticket Featured App. ASP based ticket system with support for SQL Server and Active Directory. Subissue. Uses the Subversion version control system to store issues within your software code repository. Uses the subversion client, but a web based interface is in progress. Sugar. CRM Open Source. The open source version of its commercial counterpart. Mostly a CRM system, but it can also handle light help desk duties. TTrac. Minimalistic web based project management and bug tracking tool. Trac also includes wiki functionality. Written in Python. Trouble Ticket ExpressOnline DemoWeb based CGI help desk system. Both My. SQL and Microsoft SQL Server supported. WWATS Wordpress Help Desk Plugin. A Wordpress plugin for running a help desk within Wordpress. ZZen. Track. Zentrack is a help desk, bug tracking, and project management system. Zwiki. Tracker. Every ticket in this system is a wiki page. Must integrate with a Zwiki to function. Logiciel de gestion des services dassistance Wikipdia. Un logiciel de gestion des services dassistance est un logiciel applicatif qui permet le suivi de lactivit des services dassistance dans des organisations voues ce type dactivit centre dassistance, cellules dassistance rparties, centre dappel, Lexpression la plus adquate en anglais pour dsigner un logiciel de gestion des services dassistance est issue tracking system. Cependant, la langue anglaise est ici moins prcise, car Idalement, un logiciel de gestion des services dassistance devrait couvrir lensemble des processus dITILservice support. Cette exigence est dj prsente dans la version 2 de la norme ITIL V2. Elle est maintenue dans la version ITIL V3. Il y a six domaines couverts par la norme, rpartis en un centre de service et cinq rpartitions dincidents En pratique, beaucoup de logiciels disponibles sur le march ne se conforment pas compltement aux bonnes pratiques ITIL. Ils ne couvrent quune partie du primtre dfini par ITIL, et ne grent le plus souvent que les problmes ou bugs, sans accs direct aux utilisateurs. Ce sont de simples logiciels de suivi de problmes. De mme, ils ne font pas la distinction entre un incident et un problme le mme problme panne dun serveur pouvant se rpercuter sur de multiples utilisateurs en autant dincidents. Dans ce cas, ce ne sont pas de vritables logiciels de gestion des services dassistance. Les solutions commerciales disponibles progiciels et logiciels libres sont Logiciel. Domaine dapplication. Licence. Origine. Utilisateurs. Commentaire. Environnement. Organilog. Gestion des incidents, des interventions, des quipements, des stocks et des changements. Solution regroupant un CRM, un ERP et une GMAO. Organilog. Franais. Petites et moyennes entreprises. Pour tous les domaines dactivits maintenance, BTP, nettoyage, tlcoms, nergie. Solution logicielle multi utilisateurs, multi professions sur web et sur mobile1. Saa. S. Compatible avec tous les navigateurs. SYNCHROTEAMLogiciel de gestion de planification dinterventions et de mobilit qui optimise lactivit des techniciens. Utilis quotidiennement dans 5. Amricain. Utilisateurs techniciens, enquteurs, releveurs. Domaines dactivits Climatisation, nergie, maintenance, mdical, tlcoms, scurits. Tailles dentreprises toutes. Interface web pour la gestion et la planification des interventions . Saa. S. Cloud. Web, i. OS et Android. SOLITECHLogiciel de gestion des interventions et de GMAO facilitant le quotidien de tous corps de mtiers grce la planification, le suivi en temps rel des missions, la centralisation et lhistorisation des donnes, les reportings dactivit, etc. Saas. France. Toutes tailles dentreprises Solution Saa. S. Adaptable Mise en oeuvre facile et rapide Saa. S. Plateforme web Application mobile Androd. ALTAGEMAltagem est un logiciel de gestion des quipes mobiles qui rpond aux entreprises soucieuses de structurer leur organisation pour dvelopper leur activit. Franais. Spcialis pour les entreprises du paysage. Toutes les tailles dentreprises secteur public et priv2Solution modulaire full web. Saa. SPYTHEAS Service Desk. Solution ITSM ITAM Gestion des incidents, des problmes, des changements, des mises jour, des configurations, outils de Business Intelligence, administration et gestion de parc inventaire informatique et matriel, intgration, suivi financier. PYTHEASFranais. Toutes les tailles dentreprises secteur public et priv2 Solution modulaire full web. Mobilit Version tablettes, smartphones. Couverture 1. ITIL v. Colin Mcrae Dirt Pc Game. Version Saa. S ou On premise. SGBD MS SQL Server, Oracle et Postgre. SQLOCTOPUSITSM ESM Logiciel de gestion des requtes et de linventaire multi dpartements TI, TechniqueGMAO, Gnie biomdical, RH, Infogrance etc. Saas. Canada. Toutes les tailles dentreprises 6 processus ITIL vrifis v. Prt lemploi Intgration Agile CMDB Service desk. Windows, Web, mobile. Atemis. Suite logicielle de gestion des demandes SAV, bugs, interventions techniques avec workflow, escalade et analyse en temps rel. Integration avec les modules de gestion de projets, de CRM et de GRH. Saa. SAmricain. Toutes les tailles dentreprises 1. Saa. SPRAXEDOLogiciel de gestion dinterventions, optimisation des plannings des fields workers techniciens, inspecteurs, chauffeurs et de reporting dactivit sur terminal mobile Smartphone, tablette, PC portable. PRAXEDOFranais Toutes les tailles dentreprises. Engie, Kiloutou, Onet, Scoplelec, Spie, Veolia, Vinci Solution Saa. S. Facilit de mise en uvre 1. Saa. S. Application mobile Android, i. OS, Windows Phone. COPYPARK NGGamme de Logiciels spcialiss pour les socits de copieur et informatique. Gestion du SAV avec ticketing et gestion des planifications, facturation incluant lensemble des typologies de contrats. CRM, Extranet et mobilits sous Android compltent la gamme. ARFFranais. Toutes les tailles dentreprises Intgration des principaux outils de relevs compteurs. Des accs rapides lutilisation au quotidien alertes fin de contrat Synchronisation Outlook, Gmail, Zimbra Couplage tlphonique. Mode Licences. SGBD My. SQL, SQL, SQL Express. SAP Solution Manager. Suite logicielle comprenant gestion de Solution, de documentation et des tests, Control des changements, Service Desk IT Service Management, Control des oprations techniques et mtiers, gestion de la maintenanceupgrade, gestion du code spcifique client. SAPAllemand. Toutes les tailles dentreprises. Gratuit pour les SAP Premium Customers. SAP Solution Manager a t certifie par Pink. VERIFY comme tant conforme avec tous les processus ITIL 1. Windows, Web, Android i. OSSoo DispatchLogiciel ddi aux mtiers de la maintenance, du transport et du service. IEL Services. Franais. Toutes tailles dentreprises. Licence Saa. S. Extranet client inclus. Module PDA technicien inclus. Gestion de parc, stocks embarqus, SLA, KPIModule EDI livr en standard. Windows, Web, Android i. OSi. Top. ITSM CMDBLogiciel libre GPLFranais. Toute taille dentreprise. AGC Glass AIRBUS AMA BECHTL Capgemini Vertbaudet Descours Cabaud E. Leclerc Euromaster Fiat Hardis Hettich HP Lectra Mobistar MPG Neurones IT Proxival St Gobain SNCF Rseau Spie Theben Totsa Total Oil Trading Visa Zwarprocessus ITIL V3. Web. Business. Line BL2. Logiciel ddi la gestion du Help. Desk Service Desk Service Management Service Client. Business. Line. Franais. Toute taille dentreprises. Customisable . Cration de workflows Codeless Plateforme dautorsolution Conforme ITIL V3 SLA Dashboards Catalogue de services Collaborative Saa. S ou On Premise. MS Server. Saa. S 1. 00 Web, Compatible avec tous les navigateurs. ITSMVISIONDemandes internes et externes. Rservations de ressources. Accessible aux petits budgets. Dmo https www. Trask. Franais. Dploiement en 1 heure. Prise en main extrmement rapide. Front Office, Back Office, Administrateur. Gestion des demandes informatiques et logistiques. Communication Bto. B sur le ticket entre le demandeur et les intervenants. Gestion des rservations de ressources Salles de runions, vhicules, matriels de prtsRapidit de mise en uvre. Saa. S ou Premise 1. Web. Service 9. 00. Logiciel de gestion des interventions, de la hotline et de la maintenance. Technic Soft. Franais. Toute taille dentreprise. Partie mobile sur Android.