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Events IEEE Day 2. Explore the various IEEE DAY events happening across the globe. Dont forget to add your event as well Note You have to Login before you can actually Add your Event Maker in the map. Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather For The Next 10Login Now If you havent registered here yet, Register now Submit your event Filter by. All. Technical. Professional. Educational. Social. Others. Humanitarian. Title. Category. Address. Description. IEEE AAST Aswan SB Recruitment Day. Creative Writing Book more. Humanitarian 2. 4. IEEE AAST Aswan Student Branch organized an event for the students to rise the awareness about IEEE and to recruit more volunteers for the student branch. The event included a booth and many different fun games and humanitarian activities. Finally, more than 9. IEEE. Invictus SOS Charity Event. Humanitarian SOS Childrens Village Galle Wakwella Road Galle 9. Sri Lanka. This is the charity event is being organized by IEEE student branch, Faculty of Engineering university of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. This event will be held parallel to the school event named INVICTUS 2. This charity event is totally based on SOS Children Village Galle. We will conduct several sessions for the children in SOS Village including educational, self awareness and entertainment as well. Healthcare Nutrition for IEEEians. Humanitarian 5. 8. Healthcare and nutrition plays a vital role in boosting immunity of human body. In race of volunteering and contributing, sometimes Volunteers tend to neglect personal nutrition needs and stretch a lot. To keep them fit and healthy, an international project for both IEEE and Non IEEE members shall be launched under IEEE Day Celebrations, as a Google Hangout of Er. Kirtiraj Rajendraprasad Garud Team Lead SB Networking Coordinator IEEE India Council SAC from IEEE Nagpur Subsection Bombay Section India Council Region 1. Mr. Mohamed Rashid from IEEE Suez Canal University Student Branch Chair IEEE Egypt Section Region 8. Get the latest breaking news across the U. S. on ABCNews. com. The latest travel information, deals, guides and reviews from USA TODAY Travel. Explore the various IEEE DAY events happening across the globe. Dont forget to add your event as well Note You have to Login before you can actually Add your. The international project which is Humanitarian in nature shall be discussed and delegate count may vary according to availability on October 3,2. IEEE Day Celebration in Orphanage Humanitarian Gitam Institute of Technology Management, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India 5. IEEE GITAM SB will be celebrating IEEE day with orphans at Visakhapatnam. We will be conducting different activities with them which includes live demo of the technical projects ,fun and entertainment. We will also conduct teach sessions with our young professionals and volunteers in our student branch. We will also contribute and donate books,bags and all the necessary items to the orphans Incursion of technological workshops for young people as an alternative to social problems in their communities. Humanitarian 4. 5. Incursin de workshops tecnolgicos para adolescentes como alternativa a problemas sociales en sus comunidades en el marco del IEEE Day seguimos realizando la implementacin de talleres prcticos a jvenes entre los ocho y dieciocho aos en comunidades vulnerables con un trabajo interdisciplinar entre estudiantes y docentes voluntarios. Universidad de San Buenaventura involucrando activamente a la comunidad, permitiendo una estrategia de seguimiento desde tres diferentes reas de conocimientos. Se busca transformar a los jvenes por medio de la tecnologa, hacindolos autores de contenidos y productos en lugar de solo consumidores de estos medios digitales. IEEE Day we continue to implement practical workshops for young people between the ages of eight and eighteen in vulnerable communities with interdisciplinary work between students and volunteer teachers of engineering, early childhood education and psychology programs at the University of San Buenaventura actively involving the community, allowing a strategy of monitoring from three different areas of knowledge. It seeks to transform young people through technology, making them authors of content and products instead of just consumers of these digital media. IEEE Day, 2. 01. 7 Celebration with unprivileged children. Humanitarian Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. THE web site for beautiful, natural places for a cool dip or hot soak. Features news, weather, sports scores, webcams, school closings, and items of interest. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. People Above Politics. Litz brings Local Government, Small Business, and Conservation Experience to the Table. Jo Ellen is a 5term Lebanon County Commissioner who is. IEEE Szabist Hyderabad is going to celebrate IEEE Day 2. October at SOS village Jamshoro, Sindh, with unprivileged children. We will be giving them some knowledge regarding technical and soft skills. All members of IEEE Szabist Hyderabad will be working as volunteers on the day, and there are 5. Taller introductorio a la animacin en blender en 3. D rama estudiantil IEEE ETITCHumanitarian Sibat Cundinamarca, Colombia. MAD.jpg' alt='Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather Tomorrow' title='Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather Tomorrow' />La rama estudiantil IEEE de la ETITC Escuela Tecnologica Instituto Tcnico Central en el marco del IEEE day busca por medio de ambientes tecnolgicos, incentivar a los nios de escasos recursos que residen en el municipio de Sibat y sus alrededores al mundo de la ingeniera, descubriendo y fortaleciendo sus habilidades en la nuevas tecnologas en reas como animacion en 3. D, electrnica, robtica y programacin, donde la teora y la prctica se complementan. Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather Radar' title='Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather Radar' />Por esto realizaremos el taller de animacin 3d en el punto vive digital que tiene el municipio donde asistirn estudiantes de 8 grado de Sibate. Esperamos la participacin de 3. IEEE DAY CELEBRATION at CAPE INSITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYHumanitarian Cape Institute Of Technology, Levinjipuram, Tamil Nadu. Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather Map' title='Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather Map' />IEEE SB of Cape Institute of Technology celebrate IEEE DAY on 0. Oct 2. 01. 7 with participants of 6. Various activities Intellectual Art, Project Expo, Quiz, and Brand Endorsing were conducted on this day. Finally, IEEE DAY ended up with cake cutting and photo session. IEEE DAY CELEBRATION at CAPE INSITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYHumanitarian Cape Institue of Technology. SB of Cape Institute of Technology celebrate IEEE DAY on 0. Oct 2. 01. 7. with participants of 6. Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather 5' title='Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather 5' />Hack Community College Harrisburg Pa Weather 17110Various activities Intellectual Art. Project Expo, Quiz, and Brand Endorsing were conducted on this day. Finally, IEEE DAY ended up with cake cutting and photo session. IEEE DAY SB at Lodz University of Technology 2. Humanitarian Prof. Bohdana Stefanowskiego 1. Poland. IEEE Lodz University of Technology celebrating IEEE DAY 2. IEEE Arab academy for science, tech and maritime trasnport Alexandria Student branch Humanitarian Abu Qir Al Gharbeyah Qism El Montaza Alexandria Governorate, Egypt. IEEE Pizza. Day. 20. Opole University of Technology. Humanitarian Ulica Prszkowska 7. Opole, Poland. Traditionally, members of IEEE Opole Student branch will celebrate this special day as an annual IEEE Pizza. Day at Opole University of Technology Moreover, this will be a great occassion to celebrate the 1. Anniversary of the branch Food, drinks and a lot of fun. You are invited IEEE Kerala LMAG Helping the Tribal people. Humanitarian 9. 4. Based on the discussion with Government officials, it was learnt that there are several factors that hinder the progress of the communities under Scheduled Tribes of the State. LMAG Kerala Section has proposed to IEEE HQ for taking up a project in five selected regions in the State to help improve the situation. In the meantime, LMAG Kerala decided to run a pilot project in a Scheduled Tribe hamlet of Thekkemala near Mundakkayam with the help of Marian Engineering College, Kuttikanam, Energy Management Centre, Trivandrum, Team Sustain Ltd, Kochi, ST Department of Govt. Kerala, PES Kerala Chapter, Women in Engineering, Young Professionals and Student Branches of IEEE Kerala Section. The Project will be launched on 8th Oct 2. IEEE Day by LMAG holding discussion with Marian Engineering College, Kuttikanam and visiting the hamlet on 9th Oct 2.